Tour de Spain

We have been living in Spain for almost six months now, but until a few weeks ago we hadn't yet traveled to some of the most notable cities in the country. Luckily, we were able to enjoy this journey a few weeks before the coronavirus chaos really hit the country. We had a break in the girl's school schedule and my volunteer responsibilities thanks to Semana Blanca, which is an annual week-off in late February. I am very envious of the Spanish school calendar: a week off in late October, two and a half weeks of at Christmas, a week off in late February, a week off at Easter, and a few other random holidays sprinkled in here and there. Becky and the girls actually started the journey without me as I finished up my last day of volunteer duties. They met up with our good friends, the Loftus family, in Madrid. If you are interested in reading more about their experiences in the capital, check out Becky's blog at A few days later, I took a bus up to Madrid an...