Saying Goodbye to Spain

Living in Spain during the COVID-19 lockdown was not easy. For six weeks, our daughters could not leave the apartment for any reason. As the weeks passed and the state of alarm continued to be extended, it became clear that plans for our last couple of months in Spain would dramatically change. We would no longer be able to take the ferry across the Straits of Gibraltar for a long weekend in Morocco. My parents-in-law, brother in-law, and brother all had to cancel trips to visit us in Spain. As the dominoes continued to fall, we held onto the hope that we would be able to have positive closure during our last few weeks along the Costa del Sol. I have written about two final adventures that we were able to take within the province of Malaga. As enjoyable as those travel experiences were, we are most grateful that the COVID-19 restrictions in Spain were lifted enough during our final month to allow us to properly say goodbye to friends that we had made throughout the year. The govern...